For these series of abstractions, I went to the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art where I photographed and abstracted my findings. The purpose of the three scenes above was to create a compelling transition from one area to another. For instance, the first scene starts off near the ocean and then trees grow out of the water and gradually turn into a thick jungle.  
My favorite area scene is the oceanfront, so I made a format-agnostic that shows the area in its entirety.
Idea Exploration
Before proceeding with the creation of the scenes, I made abstractions of specific plants, animals, and objects. During the process, I applied a rule to only use consistent geometry using primarily rectangles and circles.
1st pass
The bird looked a little flat and uninteresting. The jungle scene had too much going on, so I simplified it in the next pass.
2nd pass
For this pass, I gave the bird a bit more detail in the transition scene. In terms of the final result, the bird was given more detail around the wings to interpret motion.
Final Result 
Thank You

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