Hi! This is my teaser film for a TV show that I aspire to create in the future.
It is about an evil corporate juggernaut who, through the guidance of a caring robot boy, realizes that he needs to help the universe rather than hurt it.
Sound by Kelly Warner and performed by Kristen Molina
Before every animation, there is a board-o-matic. versions had to be made to make sure that the teaser conveyed a clear worthwhile story within a one-minute timeframe.
After the board-o-matic phase, then comes the moment truth; Adding in the final animation. Each animated shot was placed over the board-o-matic til' it was filled to completion. I then decided to have the full board-o-matic on the lower-left corner for comparison.

As you can see, the background style is strictly collage. However, for shot 26, I had to use UNREAL ENGINE 4 for this very complex tracking shot of the characters running through the desert, whilst being chased by Bounty hunters. I also had to utilize Cinema 4D for a couple of shots and assets that could not be achieved by just collage alone.

© 2021 Kristen Molina